Author name: Super Claims Assist Blog

Graves’ Disease Qualifies for Superannuation TPD Claims

Graves' Disease Qualifies for TPD

While superannuation insurances act as a safety net during unforeseen circumstances, many Aussies are unaware that certain medical conditions, like Graves’ disease, can qualify them to claim for Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance claims within their superannuation payments. This blog post explains how Graves’ disease can qualify as a disability for TPD superannuation claims,

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Why Are Insurances Covered in Your Superannuation?

Why are insurances in superannuation?

When it comes to navigating retirement, superannuation plays a crucial role. Superannuation, or ‘super’, is designed to help individuals save for their retirement through investing contributions over a long period of time. Apart from the primary purpose of accumulating savings, superannuation also provides additional benefits such as insurance coverage. This post will explore why insurances

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Feeling the pinch this month? Your welfare payments may be rising

DSP and other welfare payments are increasing

Last month, the Australian government announced that millions of welfare payments will receive a cash boost this month to help offset the rising cost of living. These will include Age Pension, Disability Support Pension and Carer Payment recipients. In Australia, indexation of government payments is typically linked to the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which measures

Feeling the pinch this month? Your welfare payments may be rising Read More »

WorkCover and TPD Insurance: What’s the Difference?

Australians injured at work can get help through WorkCover and TPD insurance

In Australia, there are several types of insurance policies that can help protect workers in case of illness, injury, or death. Two of the most important types of insurance policies for workers specifically in Queensland are WorkCover and Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance. While these policies have some similarities, they are designed to provide

WorkCover and TPD Insurance: What’s the Difference? Read More »

Long-Covid Syndrome

Long-Covid TPD Claim recipient

Long-Covid syndrome is a debilitating condition that affects individuals who have recovered from COVID-19 but continue to experience symptoms for weeks or months after the contagious period has resolved. These symptoms can include fatigue, brain fog, shortness of breath, chest pain, and headaches, among others.  There has been an increasing spotlight on long covid syndrome

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