Super Claims Assist Team

Map of Australia showing all states Super Claims Assist helps

The Super Claims Assist team is committed to helping Australians successfully claim your full TPD entitlements.

If you had insurance and were forced out of work because of your health, our team can help you claim it.

Meet The Super Claims Assist Team

Michael Garrahy - Super Claims Assist CEO

Michael Garrahy

Super Claims Assist CEO Michael Garrahy brings over 35 years of experience in law and legal claims to the team.

After speaking with thousands of clients who needed help with TPD claims over the past 8 years, Micheal discovered the need for a firm which specialised in helping clients on the TPD journey. Super Claims Assist was founded on the idea of helping the thousands of people around Australia that have been missing out on their entitlements.

“Every day our team celebrates helping deserving people recover $50,000 – $100,000 insurance entitlements that they did not know they had. Our clients have done it super tough, so we owe it to them to really lean in, to do everything possible to help. We help thousands every year! Our team gets so excited, our clients get so excited. It’s not like work when you’re helping people every day”

Nic Garrahy - Super Claims Assist Team

Nic Garrahy

Joining the Super Claims Assist team in 2020, Nic has a wealth of experience assisting people claim TPD insurance from their superfund. 

Nic has worked in the industry for over 5 years, starting  in regional QLD, NSW and SA, helping clients claim TPD insurance five to ten years after their initial injuries. 

“What I enjoy most about my role is helping Australians who never even knew about the insurance money hidden in their superfund! It can be tough financially being off work through no fault of their own. Being able to help them find and claim the money they have deserved for years brings a smile to my face every time.” 

Karnie Paris  - Super Claims Assist Team

Karnie Paris

Karnie joined our Super Claims Assist team in 2021 as our Client Services Manager. Karnie’s client services experience comes from over 10 years working as a client relationship manager  in Australia and the USA.

Karnie’s role is to ensure first class service is provided and that the process for clients to receive their TPD insurance money is as seamless and fast as possible.

“I lead an amazing empathetic team who genuinely care for our clients. We help to change people’s lives by providing them financial support in a difficult period of their lives. This comes from the TPD insurance they had paid for, but they did not know they had!”

Matthew Grant - Super Claims Assist Team

Matthew Grant

Matt began his career at Super Claims Assist in 2019. Specialising in client relations, Matt is armed with a wealth of knowledge working with a range of people to help them understand their superannuation entitlements.

Matt’s role encompasses building our internal systems, which ensures claims are processed and investigated in the fastest time possible.

“I want to make sure your story is heard. Let’s have a chat and see how we can best help you – we’re in your corner.”

Jasper - Client Services Team

Jasper Tomlins

Jasper works in our Brisbane Client Services Team, helping people all over Australia claim their super insurance entitlements.

“For me, empathy is the Super Claims Assist core value which stands out the most. Most of our clients are in tough situations, so being able to be there to offer support without judgment makes a real difference to them knowing that they’ve got someone in their corner.”

Lisa Beisel - Client Support Manager

Lisa Beisel

Lisa is our Client Support Manager who has joined the Super Claims Assist team with over 10 years of experience in client services.

With a background in administration and client relations in the healthcare industry, Lisa has worked closely with clients who have undergone intensive treatments. From this, Lisa understands the client’s journey through a healthcare lens.

“It is extremely rewarding knowing I have just made a huge impact in someone’s life. The gratitude I receive from people I have helped when they previously felt hopeless brings me so much joy. “

Dillon Lind - Super Claims Assist New Client Support Team

Dillon Lind

Dillon joins us in the New Client Support Team.

Dillon has worked with new clients all over Australia, helping to understand their situations to ensure a smooth claims process. Dillon’s experience in a client facing environment comes from his time working in front-line healthcare settings.

“It is rewarding to help and have an impact on someone’s day to day life”

Melissa - Super Claims Assist New Client Support Team


My role is working with vulnerable clients to help them access life changing financial entitlements they often aren’t aware is theirs to begin with! I love coming into work each day with such an engaging, empathetic, and intelligent group of colleagues.

My role is working with vulnerable clients to help them access life changing financial entitlements they often aren’t aware is theirs to begin with! I love coming into work each day with such an engaging, empathetic, and intelligent group of colleagues. I genuinely feel like together, we’re making a difference to thousands of struggling Aussies. 

“I can regularly sense the relief I hear in a client’s whole demeanour when I have prepared their file and they know we have done everything we can to help them get their best outcome.”

Dylan Nuttall - Super Claims Assist New Client Support Team

Dylan Nuttall

Every interaction with our clients is a unique opportunity to not only make them feel acknowledged, but to also stand by their side as genuine supporters. Getting the opportunity to not only connect with hundreds of Australians each day, but extend them a helping hand as a vocal advocate is a deeply humbling experience.

“There are people out there who are truly willing to help you, and Super Claims Assist are just some of those people!”

Ren - Super Claims Assist Client Support Team

Ren Pienaar

My role at Super Claims Assist is to connect with people who’ve been dealt a bad hand and get them the justice they deserve. I love that I’m able to connect with great people every day and get them through a somewhat tricky process with ease.

“The most rewarding parts of my role has been seeing the beautiful reviews for the personal service I’ve delivered for my clients. I love seeing how much of a difference I made for them on the call!”

Max - Super Claims Assist Client Support Team

Max Williamson

Being a part of Super Claims Assist, where empathy is one of our largest values allows me to feel a tremendous amount of pride in the work I do.

“I enjoy knowing that my daily efforts contribute to enhancing someone’s life”

Xavier - Super Claims Assist Client Support Team

Xavier Allen

The sheer impact that we’re able to make on the lives of our clients makes this one of the most satisfying roles I’ve ever worked in.

“I love getting the opportunity to assist thousands of struggling Australians through a somewhat confusing process, it makes coming in to work each day a blessing.”

Catherine - Super Claims Assist Client Support Team


I enjoy knowing that my daily efforts contribute to enhancing someone’s life.

“Being a part of Super Claims Assist, where empathy is one of our largest values allows me to feel a tremendous amount of pride in the work I do.”

Dylan Ratcliffe - Super Claims Assist New Client Support Team

Dylan Ratcliffe

My passion lies in assisting individuals impacted by health-related setbacks. Guiding them through the process of unlocking insurance claims within their super funds, I find deep fulfillment in offering a helping hand during their times of need. I believe in giving, crafting hope, unleashing new goals & unforgettable service.

“I believe in giving, crafting hope, unleashing new goals & unforgettable service.”

Book a free chat with the Super Claims Assist Team

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