Autoimmune Disease TPD Claims in Australia

TPD claims are possible if you had insurance through your super policy

Help is out there for Australians who suffer from autoimmune diseases.

Super Claims Assist are ready to help with your Autoimmune Disease TPD Claim. Australians who’ve won their TPD claim have financial payments coming in regularly from their superannuation insurance. This really helps while you are unable to work due to an autoimmune disease such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, ceoliac, multiple sclerosis (MS), or lupus.

The symptoms, medical appointments, side-effects of medication force many Australians to stop working. If you are unable to work, you may be eligible for a lump sum insurance payout.

If you haven’t heard of the hidden TPD insurance in your superannuation, you are not alone.

Finding and claiming this insurance can be a long and confusing process if you are doing it alone. Super Claims Assist can help with the entire process and be there for every step of the way. Don’t wait any longer, make sure you reach out to us today so we can have a confidential chat about how we can help you. 

If you have been rejected from Centrelink or the NDIS for MS, arthritis or another auto-immune disease, don’t give up! Make sure you have a talk to us today about your options surrounding TPD insurance from your Super Fund. TPD is Total and Permanent Disability insurance which can make a huge difference to your financial freedom when living with an auto-immune disease.

We help Australians win autoimmune disease TPD claims

The arthritis made it impossible to do the job I’d done for years. Claiming the TPD insurance has been a really big help



I had no clue that there was insurance in my super policy. It’s a so good that it doesn’t affect my DSP at all.



I couldn’t work anymore because of the MS symptoms. The money from the super claim has given me a cushion to get some help.



Autoimmune TPD Claim Process

Autoimmune conditions including diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, ceoliac, multiple sclerosis (MS), or lupus may qualify you to receive a lump sum TPD payment. Here’s an overview of the process to claim the insurance from your super policy.

1. Check my super

Start your free superannuation insurance check. Book your free chat with out friendly new client support team. The team will document how your autoimmune disease has impacted your ability to work. They will help you gather everything needed to kick off your free investigation into any unclaimed super insurance such as TPD and income protection.

2. Investigate my super

Superannuation insurance claims involve checking into your specific super fund policy for your maximum entitlement. After your initial call you will be introduced to one of Australia’s top TPD lawyers. Your TPD lawyer will go through all of the steps with you to confirm the exact amount of unclaimed super insurance benefits in your super account. They review your super policy for the details of your total and permanent disablement insurance. This is done on a no win no fee basis.

3. Claim my super

Claiming superannuation can begin once your insurance is confirmed. Your TPD lawyer begins the process to win your super claim. This includes the work history review, medical specialist documentation and review of waiting periods. After winning your autoimmune TPD super claim, your maximum superannuation insurance payout goes into your bank.

How long does it take to claim superannuation TPD insurance for Autoimmune? 

When the initial investigation begins on your claim, it typically takes our team between 3-12 months to complete.

Without the help of an expert, the average time it takes to process a claim is 6-18 months. This number considers several things but especially the common reputation of insurance companies. These companies often reject valid claims and stall the process.

Two main problems occur when individuals try to submit their claims on their own. First, many don’t know where to begin and often end up never submitting their claim. Second, many often get overwhelmed with the steps needed to win a claim, which leads to a longer process or a rejection. 

Our team are experts at working against the insurance companies tactics and can help speed you through the process in the most straightforward way possible.

Don’t miss out on money that you are entitled to!

Book your free phone chat – Learn what help is available for your autoimmune condition

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