TPD Claim Help in Adelaide and South Australia

Map showing availability of TPD Claim Help in Adelaide and South Australia

The team at Super Claims Assist helps people all over South Australia with their TPD Claims.

If you were forced out of work due to illness or injury, contact Super Claims Assist to discuss TPD Claim help in Adelaide and South Australia. We can review your disability support pension application and find out if you have TPD insurance in your super policy.

Contact Super Claims Assist to get the answers to your TPD claim questions today!

Because we complete super claims by phone, our team is ready with TPD Claim Help in Adelaide and anywhere in South Australia. In fact we help win TPD claims all over Australia!

South Australia – TPD Claim Adelaide Team

3 Gordon St, Glenelg, SA 5045
1800 531 509

Book your free chat with a new claim specialist!

TPD Claim Help for Adelaide and South Australia

In a quick, free phone chat, our team can explain next steps and what financial help you may qualify for in South Australia. You don’t need to leave your house or travel to meet TPD lawyers in Adelaide. Our panel lawyers will do your entire TPD claim by phone.

Super Claims Assist’s South Australia team has the experience to help you with TPD claims, check your superannuation insurance for a TPD insurance policy, review your rejected disability support pension application and check for missing items in your Centrelink Disability Pension application.

We’ve helped individuals across South Australia investigate TPD insurance for:

  • Arthritis
  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Back injury – Cervical
  • Back injury – Lumbar
  • Back injury – Sacral
  • Back injury – Sciatic pain
  • Back injury – Thoracic
  • Brain Injury
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Foot injury – Bilateral feet
  • Foot injury – Left foot
  • Foot injury – Right foot
  • Hand injury – Bilateral hands
  • Hand injury – Left hand
  • Hand injury – Right hand
  • Head injury
  • Heart
  • Hip injury – Bilateral hips
  • Immune Disorder
  • Internal Body Organs
  • Leg injury – Bilateral legs
  • Leg injury – Left leg
  • Leg injury – Right leg
  • Mental Health
  • Nervous System Disorder
  • Obesity
  • Pain Syndrome
  • Shoulder injury – Bilateral Shoulder
  • Shoulder injury – Right shoulder
  • Stroke
  • Back injury – Lumbar
  • Other injuries

Forced out of work due to illness or injury in South Australia?
Get Help with your TPD Claim!

Contact Super Claims Assist for a free phone chat to explore your options to get financial help!

A short phone call with a new claims specialist can cover TPD Claims, insurance from your super policy, disability support pensions, the benefits of an Adelaide TPD Claim lawyer, services offered by superannuation lawyers in Adelaide, disability support pensions and other options for South Australians who are doing it tough due to injury or illness. There’s no fee for this call.

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