Rejected from your TPD Claim? Your next steps

Next steps after a TPD claim rejection

It can be a big shock when receiving a rejected TPD Insurance claim, after spending so much time preparing the paperwork and finding your way through the legal jargon. Many people try to go it alone since they believe that legal help can be expensive and intimidating, however it doesn’t have to be this way – with help out there, free and readily available.

It is important to know you have options, even after being rejected from a TPD claim. Read on to find out why TPD claims may be rejected, and what your next steps are in re-evaluating your claim.

Common claim rejections

There can be multiple reasons why a TPD claim may be rejected. TPD Insurance, without professional help to claim and to assess, can be one of the hardest compensation claims to result in an approved payout. This is due to needing to provide medical evidence of a disability in which you are unable to perform your job. Getting professional help makes this process simple and easy. At Super Claims Assist, we can help you by ensuring you get the right medical paperwork and can even set up appointments with our panel of medical experts that understand how important it is to help you.

Some of the common reasons your superfund may reject your claim could be due to:

  • You having a capability to perform an alternative job rather than the job you had before you were injured – for example, if you are no longer fit to work in a physical labour job
  • Such as being an on-site builder, you may be able to instead work an office job in a similar field, since you may have the skills to do so. However, you would need to show you are able to do this by proving you have the skills, training and experience to be retrained
  • They deem that you may be able to return to work at some point in the future, if your disability isn’t permanent.
  • If you were not employed or weren’t earning an income at the time you suffered your disability.

What to do next?

The first step in gaining help for your rejected TPD claim, is to get in touch with Super Claims Assist so we can assess your situation and provide you with advice. We have a no-win, no-fee policy to ensure we can help all of our clients, get their rejected claims re-assessed and approved!

Once we assess your situation, we can help you lodge a formal complaint or get a submission drafted and submitted, explaining that your superfund has made an incorrect assessment and you require a TPD insurance claims review. With the correct legal help and supporting medical evidence we can ensure your claim is reviewed, approved and the money is paid into your hands.

We understand that whilst you are dealing with a disability preventing you from earning an income, it is a stressful and hard time. We want to be with you every step of the way to ensure you get the money you are entitled to. If you are rejected from TPD Insurance, please contact us today!

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