MKF Lawyers & Super Claims Assist Partnership

Partnership with MKF Lawyers

Bringing together the best in the field, Super Claims Assist joins hands with MKF Lawyers, leveraging their unparalleled TPD expertise to serve Australians better. It’s a startling revelation that a considerable portion of super policies in Australia harbor TPD insurance clauses, meant to cushion those who find themselves incapacitated and out of the workforce.

Super Claims Assist, since its inception in 2021, has been at the forefront, revealing these concealed entitlements to Australians. We provide a free, over-the-phone super insurance check, and our adept team can sift through the mire to locate details of old and possibly forgotten super policies.

Once we ascertain the potential for a claim, the baton is passed to the exceptional team at MKF Lawyers. These TPD law maestros ensure that clients are not only made aware of their rights but are also positioned to reap maximum benefits. Operating under a no win, no fee paradigm and buoyed by a legacy of over 25 years in championing TPD claims, we guarantee a streamlined and efficient claim process.