Why does carpal tunnel force people out of work?

why does carpal force people out of work

Carpal tunnel and hand injuries force people out of the work that they’ve done for years.

These injuries affect thousands more Australians every year.

If your ongoing hand symptoms force you to stop work, things get tough fast.

How Common Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Australia?

Australian Family Physician estimates that 195000 Australians will be diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome each year. Women and those between 45-64 years of age are the most vulnerable population living with this condition.

What injuries cause Australians to suffer carpal tunnel?

Wrist injuries, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity can cause the nerve damage known as carpal tunnel syndrome. Many tasks that involve repetitive motions or vibrating tools can increase the risks and worsen symptoms.

What problems do Australians with carpal tunnel or hand injuries have?

Common symptoms include:

  • Tingling or numb fingers
  • Inability to use job tools
  • Weakness in grip causing drops
  • Difficulty typing and using a computer mouse
Carpal tunnel symptoms forced you to stop work? Financial Help Options

What help is available after wrist and hand injuries and carpal tunnel force people out of work?

There are treatments that can help with the symptoms and there are also ways to get access to financial help that you should look into. TPD insurance may be available as part of your super policy but you have to claim it.

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