Carpal Tunnel TPD Claims in Australia

Man forced out of work due to carpal tunnel

Too many Australians are forced out of work due to carpal tunnel symptoms

Carpal Tunnel TPD Claims are one way to access insurance money that you earned while working. Medical and financial help are both important after being forced out of work due to wrist issues and we know that too many people miss out on their tpd money because they have no idea they’ve earned it.

The pain from carpal tunnel symptoms makes it hard to focus and do your job consistently and many people quit or are let go.

Centrelink almost always rejects people with carpal tunnel for disability support pensions which makes daily life a struggle.

Many Australians with wrist pain are eligible for insurance money from their super policies but most don’t know that it exists or how to claim it.

How Common Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Australia?

Australian Family Physician estimates that 195000 Australians will be diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome each year. Women and those between 45-64 years of age are the most vulnerable population living with this condition.

We hear from Australians who are struggling financially due to weakness in their hands, numbness and other symptoms daily

T from New South Wales

My wrists became so weak I wasn’t able to do my job anymore

Carpal Tunnel for the last 3 years

J from Victoria

I had letters and documents from my doctors about my wrists but I was rejected for a disability support pension

Diagnosis 2 years ago

L from Western Australia

It got to the point where I couldn’t do my desk job because of the pain

Wrist pain for over 2 years

What should I do if I can’t work because of carpal tunnel?

Discuss your situation with people that understand how to get the carpal tunnel compensation payout you are entitled to.

We can check to see if you have insurance money hidden in your super policy and explore other possible ways to get you help. There is no fee to check your insurance entitlements.

superannuation insurance policy

90% of Australians have insurance hidden inside their super fund.

Carpal Tunnel TPD claims from super policies have helped Australians like you get a financial cushion while managing their symptoms and treatments.

This policy was paid for while your were working as part of your superannuation.

When you are forced out of work by ongoing back pain, other illness, or injury, you are entitled to claim the insurance.

The lump sum payment from a successful insurance claim can allow you to get the help you need to improve your quality of life

Do people with carpal tunnel and wrist injuries successfully claim TPD from their super?

Yes! The weakness in grip, inability to operate tools, numbness in your hand and other symptoms can affect your ability to work in the job you are qualified for. That’s the standard that must be proved to win a claim. Successful TPD claims have been won for hand, wrist and carpal tunnel injuries against super policies from a a broad range of providers.

Checking your super policy for this insurance can be a nice boost to help you get back on track. Unfortunately most who try to claim without help are rejected.

Carpal tunnel compensation payouts are tough to win on your own

The insurance companies often make it tough to claim and many carpal tunnel compensation claims are rejected in Australia. We understand their games and will help you to get your full insurance lump sum payout.

With the right help, you may be eligible for a TPD insurance lump sum or Disability Support Pension through Centrelink. It’s possible to qualify for both!

We have a nationwide panel of medical specialists who can document your back pain, other conditions and their severity.

With the right medical evidence and support, you can successfully claim your insurance money.

We know all the steps to make the process as quick and simple as possible.

All of the required details can be collected on the phone. You don’t have to make a special trip to find out if you have a claim.

Carpal Tunnel TPD Claim Process

Carpal tunnel may qualify you to receive a lump sum TPD payment. Here’s an overview of the process to claim the insurance from your super policy.

1. Check my super

Start your free superannuation insurance check. Book your free chat with out friendly new client support team. The team will document how carpal tunnel has impacted your ability to work. They will help you gather everything needed to kick off your free investigation into any unclaimed super insurance such as TPD and income protection.

2. Investigate my super

Superannuation insurance claims involve checking into your specific super fund policy for your maximum entitlement. After your initial call you will be introduced to one of Australia’s top TPD lawyers. Your TPD lawyer will go through all of the steps with you to confirm the exact amount of unclaimed super insurance benefits in your super account. They review your super policy for the details of your total and permanent disablement insurance. This is done on a no win no fee basis.

3. Claim my super

Claiming superannuation can begin once your insurance is confirmed. Your TPD lawyer begins the process to win your super claim. This includes the work history review, medical specialist documentation and review of waiting periods. After winning your carpal tunnel TPD super claim, your maximum superannuation insurance payout goes into your bank.

Don’t miss out on money that you are entitled to!

Book your free phone chat – Learn what help is available for carpal tunnel

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