PTSD Financial Help in Australia

Australian woman getting help for PTSD

How can I get PTSD financial help?

PTSD financial help can make a huge difference when you’ve been forced to stop working. The physical changes and other symptoms related to your post-traumatic stress make it tough to hold down a regular job. When you can’t work, things get tough fast. 

Disability Support Pensions and TPD insurance claims from your super policy are the two main types of PTSD financial help.

PTSD Financial help from a Centrelink DSP

Disability Support Pensions from Centrelink help Australians who can’t work due to illness or injury. Unfortunately, about 70% of all claims are rejected and it can be tough to figure out what your application was missing. The government guidelines are heavy on legal jargon and it can be tough to figure out what to include to make an application successful without experience.

PTSD Financial help from a TPD insurance claim

Australians with PTSD can also qualify for to claim Total and Permanent Disability insurance through their current or past super policies. It was legally required for superannuation policies in Australia but insurance companies can make it difficult to claim the benefits you are owed.

Unsure if your PTSD qualifies for financial help?

It’s worth having a free phone chat with a claim specialist about your situation!

Are you unable to work due to a PTSD diagnosis? Don’t miss out on the financial help you need.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) TPD insurance Claims can ease the financial burden whilst adjusting to life after a traumatic event. We are able to organise and submit the TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) claim on your behalf and also ensure you have access to a medical professional to help with your claim. TPD is money paid for, into your superannuation while you worked. You are entitled to this money – so don’t miss out!

Australians can get financial help for PTSD through TPD insurance claims

Claiming TPD is an easy process with Super Claims Assist. In just four steps, we can start your claim. We have offices all around Australia, or, if you are in a regional city, we are able to handle the entire claims process by phone. Our team is on standby to schedule a phone call with you as soon as possible, so we can help you with your PTSD claims journey.

We understand the stress that comes with a permanent disability or illness, making you unable to go to work. Let us help ease the burden.

Are you suffering from a condition other than PTSD?

View our list of other health conditions.

Unlike Centrelink claims, you do not need a specific condition to make a TPD claim. All successful claims just need evidence that your condition has an impact on your ability to have a job long-term.

More about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Australia

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